Summary of my Container Series

All my blogs posts about running SQL Server in a Docker container have been collated into The SQL Server and Containers Guide.

If you’re working with SQL Server and want to get started with containers, check it out!

Getting Started

Running your first container

Building a custom image

Pushing images to the Docker Hub

Using WinDocks to run earlier versions of SQL Server in Containers

Creating SQL Containers from a Dockerfile

Running Linux Containers on Windows 10

SQL Server in Kubernetes on Docker for Windows

SQL Server 2019

Running SQL Server 2019 CTP in a Docker container

Displaying the tags within the SQL Server docker repository

Running SQL Server containers as non-root

Using volumes in SQL Server 2019 non-root containers


GroupBy Conference – SQL Server & Containers

24HOP – Manage SQL Server in Linux Containers using dbatools

Docker Commands

Viewing container logs

Sharing Container Images

Copying files from/to a container

Parsing Docker Commands

Connecting a powershell session to a container

Automatically restarting Docker Containers

The Docker kill command

Docker Debug

Configuration & Administration

Attaching databases via a Dockerfile

Attaching databases via a Dockerfile – UPDATE

SQL Containers and Networking

Portainer – A GUI for Container Administration

Changing default location of docker containers

Changing the location of docker named volumes

Remotely Administering the Docker Engine on Windows Server 2016

Building a container running SQL Server 2014 SP2

Automating installation of Docker & SQL command line tools on Linux

Limiting resources available to containers

Enabling the SQL Server Agent in Linux Containers

Default resource limits for Windows vs Linux containers in Docker Desktop

Using Windows stored credentials to connect to SQL in containers

Loopback available for Windows Containers

Setting up SQL Server replication in containers

Using the GitHub Package Registry to store container images

Updating SQL Server container memory limits on the fly

Running a SQL Server container from scratch

Using environment variable files for SQL Server in containers

Building a Docker image from a Github repository

Docker Compose

Creating SQL Server containers with Docker Compose

SQL Server & Docker Compose

Persisting Data Series

Persisting data in docker containers – Part One

Persisting data in docker containers – Part Two

Persisting data in docker containers – Part Three

Using docker named volumes to persist databases in SQL Server

Docker Swarm

Running SQL Server in Docker Swarm

Using Secrets in Docker Swarm for SQL Server

Persisting data for SQL Server on Docker Swarm with Portworx


A shell for working with Kubernetes

Running SQL Server in Kubernetes on Azure Container Services – LEGACY

Running SQL Server in Kubernetes on Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)

Exploring the Kubernetes dashboard in Azure Container Services

Configuring Persistent Storage for SQL Server in Azure Kubernetes Services

Changing the port for SQL Server in Azure Kubernetes Services

Azure Kubernetes Service Error – LoadBalancer type service external IP stays pending

Creating a custom kubectl plugin to connect to SQL Server in Kubernetes

Chaos engineering for SQL Server running on AKS using KubeInvaders

Converting SQL Server docker compose files for Kubernetes with Kompose

Use port forwarding to access SQL Server running in Kubernetes

Adjusting pod eviction time in Kubernetes

Differences between using a Load Balanced Service and an Ingress in Kubernetes

A storage failover issue with SQL Server on Kubernetes

Overcoming a storage failover issue with SQL Server on Kubernetes using Portworx


Deploying SQL Server to Kubernetes using Helm

Creating custom SQL Server Helm charts

Using Github as a repository for SQL Server Helm Charts

Decoding Helm Secrets

A kubectl plugin to decode secrets created by Helm


Pushing SQL Server images to the Azure Container Registry

Deploying Azure Container Instances

Running a SQL Server Azure Container Instance in a virtual network

Creating SQL images in Azure with ACR Build – Part One

Creating SQL images in Azure with ACR Build – Part Two


Deploying SQL Server to an Azure Container Instance using Terraform – Part One

Deploying SQL Server to an Azure Container Instance using Terraform – Part Two

Raspberry Pi

Running Azure SQL Database Edge on a Raspberry Pi

Building a Raspberry Pi cluster to run Azure SQL Edge on Kubernetes

Updating my Kubernetes Raspberry Pi Cluster to containerd

Provisioning storage for Azure SQL Edge running on a Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster

External Articles

Running SQL Server Containers on Windows Server 2016 Core

Refreshing SQL Containers automatically using Watchtower

Streamlining QA with SQL Server Containers